The scope, impacts, and benefits resulting from the 2018 Central America Innovation + Tourism Talk for the regional tourism sector are vast.

Wide audiences were seen in each of the events hosted by the Central American countries.

The union and commitment of the tourism development agents of Central America to actively and decisively engage in the execution of the Central American digital marketing plan marks a milestone in the history of Central American tourism integration by creating the first regional co-marketing system, a promotional action never seen before and for which actions and tasks have already been defined for each of the actors that are part of CATA.

These events opened a world of opportunities to almost one thousand participants from the public and private sectors, from which 496 were tourism entities from the region, by putting at their disposal a world of knowledge that has marked a yesterday, a today, and a future for their businesses.


Participants were able to hear advise from large tourism companies.

It is also worth mentioning that in each of the Central American countries, the 2018 Central American Innovation + Tourism Talk garnered interest by part of the media, resulting in extensive coverage in its information spaces.

The monitoring carried out by CATA through the search engines led us to identify more than thirty reports on the event, some of them transcending the region, reaching the United States, Asia, Latin America, and Spain.