In June 2017, the “Digital Marketing and Social Media Workshop for Multi-Destination Products,” promoted by the PPT-Costa Rica and chaired by its Minister of Tourism, Mr. Mauricio Ventura, took place in San José, the capital of Costa Rica.

CATA fortaleció las capacidades de innovación tecnológica del sector turístico centroamericano

CATA, as a technical unit for the promotion and commercial facilitation of the multi-destination product of the region and the Central America brand, developed this second workshop with the objective of strengthening the sector on the appropriate use of technological facilities and platforms for the positioning of Central America. The event brought together more than 30 tour operators, representatives of the promotion areas of the National Tourism Authorities, and representatives of the regional Tourism Chambers.

The workshop was carried out with the assistance of the Spanish Association of Tourism Scientists (AECIT).

CATA fortaleció las capacidades de innovación tecnológica del sector turístico centroamericano


CATA fortaleció las capacidades de innovación tecnológica del sector turístico centroamericano